
“The souls of children are waiting for the call of knowledge to awaken them to delightful living.”

-Charlotte Mason

September 5, 2024

August 31, 2024  

Wondering about the first 2 weeks of Wellspring Academy? We think they’ve been wonderful!

Here We Go!

Our educational model is greatly influenced by the ideas of Charlotte Mason, as well as broader classical education.

"The question is not, 'how much does the youth know when he has finished his education,' but 'how much does he care and about how many orders of things does he care?' In fact, how large is the room in which he finds his feet set and, therefore, how full is the life he has before him?" - Charlotte Mason⁠

⁠Charlotte Mason designed a three-pronged approach which she summarizes by saying, “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” Let's define each of these:⁠

Atmosphere: the child’s surroundings in which she grows up. Charlotte believed that children absorb much of their education from their environment. This environment makes up one third of the child’s education.⁠

Discipline: to the habits, character, and training from home, parents and teachers. Habit and character training should make up another third of the child’s education.⁠

Life: all academics—including the ideas, beliefs and relationships fostered through living books, nature, art and music.⁠

Charlotte contrasted this approach to an education focused on “dry facts,” and emphasized the power of relationships with people, authors, artists, God and nature itself.⁠

Learn more:

⁠"The teacher who allows his scholars the freedom of the city of books is at liberty to be their guide, philosopher and friend." - Charlotte Mason

August 16, 2024

August 6, 2024

As our students learn and grow, we hope that they will find the real Aslan ever more amazing!

August 01, 2024

Wellspring Academy is part of a growing group of microschools (140+) using My Father’s World curriculum. This initiative began in 2021, but the company has a 25 year history of excellence. Follow these links to learn more about this educational model and curriculum:

To inquire about Wellspring Academy please email us at

July 30, 2024

Check out these beautiful Eiffel tower paintings! In Exploring Countries and Cultures, children use A World of Art to complete exciting projects and better understand countries around the world.

July 23, 2024

July 11, 2024

July 9, 2024

We are!

First day of school is 8/19/24 for Wellspring Academy. We are currently in the bustle of preparations for this exciting year. 

Email us at to learn more.

Who is using Exploring Countries and Cultures this year? In our first program in our family cycle, your children will explore diverse countries and cultures while learning geography. They will prepare traditional food, make native crafts, listen to ethnic music, and read true stories of missionaries learning to understand God’s heart for the world!

July 8, 2024

July 5, 2024

Wellspring, 4 C Priorities Download PDF


June 28, 2024

"Children are born with all the curiosity they will ever need. It will last a lifetime if they are fed upon a daily diet of ideas." -Charlotte Mason

Another priority of Wellspring Academy is to nurture the innate curiosity of our students. Follow the link in the comments to learn more about Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy and how it is integrated into our approach.

Hands-on projects help students retain information and make connections about what they are learning.  While studying Exploring Countries and Cultures this year, Wellspring students will enjoy creating art from "A World of Art" and “Fun with Easy Origami”. Listening to “Music Around the World” will carry us on a musical journey to faraway places. “

Come to the Table: Exploring International Cuisine” includes dozens of cooking projects such as murgh kari from India, apfelstrudel from Germany, cachapas from Venezuela, and pavlova from New Zealand. Games, passports, international currency, festivals…these are a few glimpses of creative elements from year 1!

Each year will include activities such as art appreciation and instruction, music appreciation connected to history studies, writing and drawing to create theme notebooks, and fun ways to learn about architecture (e.g. building a Roman arch from jello boxes). Creativity will abound at Wellspring Academy!

June 27, 2024

Wellspring Academy will use My Father’s World Curriculum which was established 25 years ago, bringing an excellent and enjoyable educational approach to many families and now microschools. Please browse the Scope and Sequence of the curriculum in the comments to see the continuity of learning. Wellspring will rotate through the 5-year “Investigate” cycle for grades 4-8 for science, history & geography, bible, literature, art and music.  Younger children will join for some elements in the afternoons. It is a cohesive and rich way to learn…and to love to learn!

Grades K-3 will also utilize materials from the “Discover” years.

When we add high school, grade 9-12 students will progress through the “Declare” years.

June 26, 2024

June 26, 2024

One of our priorities is to foster a close, vibrant community of students, families and teachers. We also look forward to partnering in different ways within our larger community by being good neighbors, serving in local churches and organizations, and reflecting the light of Christ.

Within our school, community will be shaped by:

🔹Smaller class sizes and mixed-age learning
🔹Theme celebrations and project showcases open to families and friends
🔹Parent involvement and partnership
🔹5-hr days & 4-day (2-day hybrid) weeks, allowing more time for other callings and involvements
🔹Service projects to bless others
🔹Shared memories as we read inspiring stories and enjoy hands-on projects together
🔹Meet-ups and field trips

June 25, 2024

June 21,2024

Join us next week as we share more about each of these priorities within our school.

June 11, 2024

“If the purpose of learning is to score well on a test, we’ve lost sight of the real reason for learning” -Jeannie Fulbright

June 7,2024

At Wellspring Academy we will embrace the blessings of multi-age learning. During our afternoons, K-7th students will enjoy learning about Geography, Science, Art, Music and Literature together. Some assignments will be specific to age and ability.

(Please note that baby and toddler siblings  will be welcome during our 10 minute morning gathering for announcements and prayer, but they will not be attending full days 😉)

May 31, 2024

May 24, 2024

Wellspring Academy is a new microschool in Eureka. We will use My Father’s World curriculum, which blends elements of Classical Education, Charlotte Mason, and Unit Studies. We offer a 4 day full-time private school option and a 2-day hybrid option for homeschool families.  Tomorrow our open enrollment closes, which  means we will cap our number of classes. There will still be a few additional spots available during the summer until each class is full. Please send a message to Wellspring Academy, and one of our core team members will get back to you to schedule a phone conversation and subsequent tour to see if Wellspring might be right for your family this year!

May 24, 2024

To the families who have explored our new school but are not quite ready to jump in:

Thank you for visiting our open houses, our website, and our Facebook page! We have loved chatting with you in person and by phone.

We understand that there are many who are interested but need to see more and know more. Next year we will offer visits and shadow days. We will have pictures on our page showing you what our model really looks like. There will be pictures and bios of board members and teachers. Please come back next year and see in full what we’re all about!

If you are still considering us for school year 2024-25, there’s still time! We have a strong number of incredible Founding Families who have fully caught our vision after visiting and having conversations with our core team. We have presented our plan for Wellspring Academy, and they are excited to be part of it. We have visited other similar schools so we know it works beautifully and children are thriving. Our Founding Families are ready to join in during our inaugural year, forge community together, and communicate honestly with us where we can improve and refine.

We are praying for all the families we have met: those who found a better fit elsewhere, those who are fully on board, and those who are waiting and considering. We appreciate you all.

May 22, 2024

At Wellspring, we acknowledge that education is not one-size-fits-all. There are many good options out there. Perhaps you are currently utilizing a school model that fits your family well. But if you are coming to the end of this school year realizing that your children and family would benefit from a change, please reach out to learn more about us!

Our model offers:

May 20, 2024

Why should our family consider a microschool? What is happening currently in American education? Historically, what led to public schooling being the way that it is? What is the My Father's World curriculum and what are the benefits for my children?

Dig in to the answers for all of these questions and so much more in this video from the creators of the My Father's World curriculum.

MFW Presentations

May 18, 2024

May 16, 2024

May 9, 2024

At Wellspring Academy, students will have many opportunities each day to enjoy books

May 07, 2024

In case you’re wondering what science will look like next year at Wellspring Academy.

In Exploring Countries and Cultures, as children study different parts of the world they also learn about different ecosystems. Enjoy hands-on science activities and the opportunity to examine your own backyard habitats.

May 04, 2024

Join us for the final open house before 2024 - 2025 enrollment ends.

Open House, see a full curriculum display of books and resources to be used during 2024-2025. Please join us! We would love to answer questions, share our vision, and show our sample classroom!

April 29, 2024

To enroll your student(s) in the 2024-2025 school year, submit the Enrollment request by May 24.

April 29, 2024

Join us on May 11th to pray for Wellspring Academy, the new micro-school is coming to Eureka and housed at The River! We will be praying over the school site as well as having people praying in the neighborhoods of Eureka. What a great way to show support for the school and the impact it will have on generations to come. At The River we believe in the power of prayer. If you do and are free the morning of May 11th, we'd love to see you there!

Sign up or for more information.

April 21, 2024

Wellspring Academy is being designed to be a partnership of families and school. We look forward to nurturing the souls of our students as they learn and grow at school!

April 15, 2024

Last week two Wellspring Academy Founding Board members (along with our youngest children) visited a My Father’s World Microschool in Illinois. It a was delightful “sneak peek” into the future of Wellspring Academy!  

For more information about our vision, plans, curriculum, and location- please join us at our next Open House this Sunday 4/7 from 2-3:30 at The River. Don’t worry if you can’t find childcare- children are welcome to come play in our sample classroom!

April 03, 2024

Exploring Countries and Cultures is the first year of the 5-year Learning Cycle that will be the heart of Wellspring Academy. This Sunday 4/7 is our next Open House, which will include a full curriculum display of books and resources to be used during 2024-2025. Please join us! We would love to answer questions, share our vision, and show our sample classroom! 

Future years:

April 05, 2024