Mission-Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Wellspring Academy is a private school founded by parents and community members to serve the St. Louis area. Our founders believe that families are the strongest building blocks of society and that parents, not government-run institutions, know what is best for their children. We provide students an education in mixed-age classrooms that encourages younger children to mature, older children to lead, and all children to flourish. Our curriculum encompasses a Biblical worldview and teaches: math, language arts, science, geography, history, critical thinking, real-life skills, and appreciation for the Arts.

Vision Statement

Wellspring Academy will provide students with a safe and wholesome learning environment, where students learn from a biblically-based curriculum. Throughout the course of study, students will explore: the riches of God’s creation, the lessons of history, and their God-given freedoms. Our vision is to inspire teachers, parents, and students to develop the student’s critical thinking, innate gifts, and love of learning in order to fulfill their life purpose, serve in society, and be ambassadors of Christ.


  March 2024